Come on in, kick your shoes off and get to know us... and don't worry if your socks have holes. We're ok with that...
Weekly Schedule
Sunday Service: 10.30
Simulcast on Facebook at Living Hope Spokane around 11.10
Sean's Bible Study: Tuesday at 6.30 PM
Simulcast on Facebook at Living Hope Spokane
Ladies Bible Study: Wednesday 9.30 AM
Friday Night Prayer: 6.30 PM

Get to Know Us
we are transformed people transforming their world
At Living Hope, our goal is to move people from Addictive Anxiety to Powerful Peace. The kind of peace that sleeps through a storm and panicked disciples and wakes up to say 'Peace be still.'
When anxiety is driving you, it's impossible to have enough faith to live in the peace Jesus promises us. This is why addiction takes it toll on people on both sides of the church door.
But when you learn how to transfer your faith from your comfort-focused emotions and onto the resurrection power inside of you, you can live with an internal peace that transforms your external circumstances.
If you’ve looked at other church’s websites you’ve probably heard…
Great Coffee!
Contemporary Music!
Awesome kid’s programs!
Relevant message!
Here at Living Hope…we like to talk about what you won’t encounter…
Christian Theater
We’re more interested in blessing God than entertaining people.
Polished people
We’re more like ‘cheese-fell-off-our-cracker’ people. Most of our church are active in their recovery process. We like to say if you are done trying to be perfect and ready to be powerful, you’ll fit right in!
Only one demographic
At Living Hope, you will find people who are starting over in life sitting right alongside people who have learned from their mistakes, are doing great now, and want to help others move forward.
You’ll also find we don’t take too much seriously…except Jesus.
So, we may not be hip… washing feet and carrying crosses rarely is. But we are committed to the reality that we carry the resurrection power of Jesus in our Spirit.
Christ IN us is our hope for glory. Christ THROUGH us is our hope for our loved ones.
So…if you are done trying to be perfect and are ready to be powerful… swing by and say hi.
And get ready for your world to change.
How do I know that? People agreeing and cooperating with Jesus is the only thing that has ever changed the world.

Below is the Living Hope Promise: If you give Living Hope 18 months, and you take what we teach seriously, this is what you will learn:
How to answer tough questions.
At Living Hope, we don’t want you ever to feel over your head on any subject at any time.
How to pray-in miracles.
We don’t pray for people just because we are nice. We believe that when we pray, we will see the very power of God bringing in the will of God.
How to Hear the voice of God.
Hear the voice of God in the word and in the whisper. Jesus promises that His followers would hear and KNOW his voice.
How to love the person in front of you.
Some things in life are complicated…this isn’t. Christianity is loving the person in front of you as Jesus would.
And how did Jesus love us? He healed us, delivered us, taught us to heal and deliver others. Jesus did all that just before He washed our feet carried His cross for our sin.